Wednesday, May 20, 2009

All Alone Am I

It's amazing that when you spend so much time with someone, their absence seems completely unnatural and unfathomable. Ever since Raquel and I moved up here to Spokane, we have done literally everything together, even as far as now working for the same company. Although we work on different floors and don't see each other very much during the day, we still ride to work and come home together. A lot of people have wondered how we are able to spend so much time together without getting sick of other, but I just could not picture life any other way -- especially since I'm sitting at home by myself right now.

Today was my day off and to say I made the most of it would be a joke. There's more stuff I probably should have done to make today more memorable -- gone for a walk with Timber, read a book, etc. -- but instead I spent most of the morning trying to cope with the fact that I was going to be all alone all day. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that she is traveling and I know she is having fun, but life seems so unnatural right now because she isn't here. This makes me respect my grandma who lost her husband after 5 decades of life together...I couldn't imagine that. Sigh. I don't want to talk about this anymore, but I'm just saying that none of the stuff that we do or watch on television is nearly as fun or enjoyable as with her.