Sunday, November 2, 2008

A little about the author...

I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression about the title of my blog. It's not all doom, gloom, and depression out there. But there are a great many things that don't get properly discussed. While I'm going to admit that I'm a fairly biased person when it comes to my beliefs (as it goes for everybody) -- but I strongly believe that you should never enter an argument without having knowledge of the other side.

Anyway, my name is Steve and I'm 25 years old. I just recently moved up to Liberty Lake, WA -- a little old town right on the Idaho border. Nothing like being right in the middle of conservative, white America to make one question dominating ideals.

When it comes to interests, I'm a huge sports freak and I love books. When I moved from Missouri to Washington, I had three boxes of clothes and 10 boxes of books. I think that art is the most important thing in the world. There is more to be learned in the words of famous authors, in the images of famous artists, and in the visions of movie makers than in any other medium. We have become far too concerned with careers, business, material possessions, media, politics, etc. that many people have forgotten what is truly important. It is impossible to ignore these trappings that have fallen into our laps, and, thus, in order to analyze our world as it stands, we must explore all sides of every issue.

By no means am I trying to advertise myself as being bias free or fair to each side of every argument -- but I will, to the best of my ability, try to have as much knowledge about those things that I am arguing against.

With that in mind, I hope that I can find people to read what I have to say because it is only through discussion, debate, and the open flow of ideas that we can progress as a civilization.