Monday, November 3, 2008

One last thought before hitting the polls

The Insanity of Mass Democracy

If you out there tonight, surfing around the internet and trying to ignore that indecisive twang in the back of your head about what to do tomorrow -- give a read to this article by Anthony Gregory.

I have no way of conducting a mass poll obviously, but I wonder how many of the truly undecided voters out there are that way because they are simply trying to determine which candidate is the lesser of two evils? It's fairly clear cut -- at least from this current standpoint -- that Obama could be better for the nation, but worse when it comes to foreign relations and vice versa for McCain. Aren't you sick of having to make this decision? Which of these two candidates will slow the descent of the nation?

You will be berated and I am sure whoever may read this blog will spew some sort of democratic rhetoric in my direction, but the sheer reality of the situation is that the the majority vote is simply that -- a majority. 51% to 49% is a majority victory. So, who is to say that the current president is the "president of the people" when nearly half of the nation did not vote for him? Campaign promises are made by both sides and then once the smoke settles from the election, it seems to be business as usual. Politicians sell their souls to the small interest groups and lobbyists on the campaign trail and spend a great amount of their time in office helping to prove to these people why they supported the right candidate -- thus putting the Middle Class out in the cold.

So think about it this way. If there is so much power posited on the concept of the "people's president", what would happen if vote turnout was dismal? Would the politicians and media carry on the status quo and just attribute the lack of voter turnout to some other excuse? Or would they really stand up and realize that the American people are trying to make a statement? I would seriously hope the latter, but it would be just as easy for the media to say, "Well, didn't see that coming, but it doesn't change anything." At 5:00 PM, everyone is still going to turn on the local and national news broadcasts, and a great amount of knowledge they will amass about the world will come out of the mouths of news anchors. I'm not trying to say that this is a bad thing (unless you're listening to Bill O'Reilly), but people just have to realize that this medium is much easier to control. Do not write something off because it seems too radical. And on the other end, do not write off the criticism of radical ideas. It is only through understanding all the elements of an issue that will come to realize what you, as an autonomous being, truly believe. Do not simply take what hear on television at face value.

But just remember, voting against one candidate in protest of their theories is not a protest in any means. It is just a vote for a candidate who probably has a few ideas that you don't agree with as well. Just interesting to wonder what would happen if we got to the close of polls tomorrow and we saw news anchors shaking their heads in disbelief at the lack of voter turn out. It would send a message to Washington that the people are sick of voting for the candidates that are chosen for them, simply because the respective parties believe that their candidates will be the mainstays of their ideals for the next 4 years.